Have you heard about faigle’s product optimisation workshops? Specialists from faigle’s development team partner up with your engineers to devise product improvements and new, custom solutions – from the initial idea right through to the production-ready product.
The participants also receive insights into a range of materials, processing options and plastics properties, as well as solutions implemented in other industries. The key advantage is that faigle’s development experts can use their comprehensive, cross-sector plastics know-how to reveal hidden opportunities and completely new ways to arrive at solutions, be it for individual products or complete assemblies. Intensive collaboration like this has already given rise to a host of innovations, including for package and baggage handling systems, shuttle and conveyor systems.
At faigle, we believe that helping you to meet a constantly growing number of requirements and requests and realise for product optimisation is one of our core functions. Which is why we’re proud to share our wide-ranging experience in the plastics industry with you.
The faigle development team, which is involved in driving forward international and multi-site product optimisation initiatives, specialises in application engineering and consultation, product and material development, project management and prototyping. Our quality management staff also play a part in delivering optimum results, offering a comprehensive selection of laboratory and other tests that generate accurate data and figures. Ensuring efficient series transition after the development process shortens time-to-market. Only with us can you get all this from a single source. We’re the only company that offers all this under one roof.